Wednesday 19 September 2012

For friends and fam

Helloo, after people asking me to write a blog I've decided to actually do it to keep all my dancer friends and family updated :) So I've already had a week at Iwanson dance school in Munich and its tiring but a lot of fun, its amazing to train with people who are from everywhere (we have 9 different nationalities in my year!) and most of the teachers are foreign too! At the moment we speak English as everyone can speak it but not everyone can speak German, although after half term we begin German lessons as well and have to speak german in classes! I do ballet every morning and contemporary six times a week (three are a contemporary barre and three are just contemporary in general) we also have floor barre, jazz four times a week, stretching class, anatomy, dance history, music choreography, floor work, ballet technique, contemporary technique and improvisation! Classes are one and a half hours long and after a lazy summer I'm not used to dancing anymore haha. Munich's a lovely place to live and Oktoberfest will be starting on Saturday! Heres a photo of the walk to school I take to end with :) 
Enjoy my blog!

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